Sign in / Join

If you are not already a medi University member please Sign up for free!

Fill out all required portions. (*required)

After signing in to the updated site for the first time, do I need to agree to the terms and conditions?

Yes please, read and agree to the terms and conditions by selecting the "agree" button at the bottom. Selecting the x to close out the terms and conditions details or declining will not allow you to continue, and will kick you back to the home page.

What is ABC/BOC#?

ABC (American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics)

BOC (Board of Certification/Accreditation, a CMS-deemed accrediting organization for DMEPOS certifications)

Those who are accredited through these boards, can earn ceu's on ABC/BOC approved courses with full attendance and passing of a short competency quiz.

Forgot Login details?
Select "forgot login details", enter your Username or email. An email will be sent if that user or email address exist in the system. The link will be valid for 24 hours. If you didn't request to change your password yourself, another user may have used your username by mistake. In this case you can safely disregard the message.


Before signing in or joining how do I "Browse" on-demand and upcoming live courses?
After selecting the browse menu item, add courses to your queue (or cart, but all courses are free) by:

Tapping for more info, clicking "add to cart", you can then proceed to sign in or join, or continue adding courses.
Once course/courses are choosen, view summary and select "existing users: sign in" or "new users: sign up".

These browsed courses will then be on your home screen "my courses" to start.

How do I Locate my enrolled courses?
Once you sign in or join you will be brought to your courses. No courses? No problem! Browse the Course Catalog, add courses to your roster and they'll show up on your "my courses" page.

How do I navigate the Course Catalog?
Once signed in or joined, view all courses you can enroll into by selecting the course catalog. Select more info to see course units and to add to your roster. You can then continue to browse the catalog, go to the course, or undo enrollment.

Search courses for a title, and filter courses by type, categories, or tags.

If you are already enrolled in the course it will list "In Roster" on the course.

How do I unenroll from course or cancel registration for blended live portion?

After adding a course to your roster you will be prompted to continue browsing, go to course, or to undo enrollment.

In an already enrolled course, an "options" button will appear under the course content title in the right-hand corner. Select to unenroll from course.

Blended courses with live portions, when viewing the event details, click Unenroll from under the time starts details.

You can not unenroll from completed courses.

I was given a Group Key for a private course/event, how do I use it?

Once signed in, please select your initials to open your profile options, then click "join group by key". Enter the unique key given to you, and choose "use".

The course will now be in your courses.

How do I join a Live Webinar?
Once signed in, please select the webinar you are enrolled in from your courses. Below the live session details, will be a button. Either "Wait for Conference to begin" for prior to the webinar's start date & time. Or "Join Conference" for when the webinar has been started.

*You may have to refresh your page if the button does not update to read "Join" at least 5 mins prior to the webinar's start time. 


How do I access my profile?

After signing in, select your initials, You can then select either profile, certificates, badges, training history, and join group by key.

My profile: View and/or edit your profile details.
Update email or change current password.
Update Occupation, place of work, and workplace address.
Review the terms of service
Delete your account - Deleting your account will delete all of the content you have created. It will be completely irrecoverable.

My certificates: View certificate details, view/download, and share or add to LinkedIn profile.

My badges: View earned badges and overview of requirements for others.

Join group by key: For private events you will be receiving a Group key to enter and use in order to gain access to the course for the private event.


What is ABC/BOC#?
ABC (American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics)
BOC (Board of Certification/Accreditation, a CMS-deemed accrediting organization for DMEPOS certifications)

Those who are accredited through these boards, can earn ceu's on ABC/BOC approved courses with full attendance and passing of a short competency quiz.

How as an OT/PT do I submit to my local licensing boards for CE approval?
All certificates will be dated, and for those that consist of a live portion will have the course hours noted. Those OT and PT interested in submitting to their licensing boards for CE approval will need the certificate, (certificates awarded in courses that note it with a passing score on the knowledge check and course completion) and can request any other necessary information from your local medi rep as they will vary by state.

Submitted credentials to ABC/BOC approved courses require what?
Submitted credentials to ABC/BOC for live course events will require the following:
ABC/BOC# is noted in your profile.
Attendance is verified.
Completed knowledge check with passing score within two weeks of live course event.

Submitted credentials to ABC/BOC for on-demand courses will require the following:
ABC/BOC# is noted in your profile.
Completed knowledge check with passing score.

Why don't I see my ABC/BOC ceu applied?
As an education provider, we can submit participant lists to these boards every 30 days. Therefore, it can take up to 6 weeks for a course to appear on your record.

What medi USA courses are ABC/BOC ceu approved?
Understanding Biomechanics and the Aging Spine - 2 ABC
Direct Care Medicine, the World of Podiatry and medi, in a nutshell - 1.25 ABC

Live (Scheduled throughout the year):
Master Class Workshop - 7.5 ABC
/ 9.5 BOC
Maintaining Success Master Class Workshop - 7.75 ABC/ 8.5 BOC
Flat Knit Focused Master Fitter Workshop 8 ABC/ 8 BOC
Master Fitter Class Workshop 4.5 ABC/ 5 BOC
medi Compression Solutions 4 ABC/BOC

Advanced Flat Knit Custom Garments: Style and Option Selection Webinar - 1.5 ABC/BOC
Custom Lymphedema Compression Measuring: On Your Mark! Webinar - 
Disease Differentiation for Fitters: Navigating Compression Solutions Webinar 
Therapeutic Compression - The Knitty Gritty Webinar 1.5 ABC/BOC

What are the Scientific (S) or Business B) amounts for the ABC/BOC approved courses?
Please reference the respective ABC & BOC websites for (S/B) amounts:

Badges, Points, Levels & Rewards

How do I earn badges, points, and levels?

Once signed in, complete courses to earn badges, points, and levels. See an overview by selecting the diamond icon.


Earn Activity badges for logins

Earn Learning badges for completed courses

Earn Test badges for passed tests

Earn Perfectionism badges for passed tests with score 90%+

Earn Certificate badges for certificates


Each unit completion awards 25 points

Each course completion gives 150 points

Each certificate gives 150 points

Each successful test completion awards 1 point


Upgrade level every 2000 points

How do I earn a reward?

To encourage everyone to participate and excel, all those who achieve Level 5 (previously silver level) and are *eligible will receive a reward from our partner Snappy. We have procured a collection of prizes that one can select from the Snappy platform. Snappy will fulfill your order for you to enjoy! 

*Who is eligible?

All medi USA customers and clinical referrals are eligible who want to learn and register for medi University.  Employees and family members of medi are not eligible for rewards and prizes. Those who have previously were rewarded for hitting silver level are not eligible for the Level 5 reward. Some points of care may have self-imposed ineligibility. We still encourage you to participate and compete for the top spot on the leaderboard.

What happened to my previous points?

If you had previous points from our medi University pre-update, those points have been converted and adjusted to reflect the new point system.

Can the points be traded in, cashed out, or converted to CE credits?

No. The points do not in any way denote currency, CE credits, or value in trade. They are for motivation and encouragement only.

Content provided by medi USA is for informational purposes and are educational in nature. They do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The contents do not replace the requirement for comprehensive assessment of patients or the importance of discussing the benefits and risks of intervention with patients, their families, caregivers, supportive medical staff and the managing physician. medi USA assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the shared content nor shall medi USA be liable for any losses, damages, charges, expenses, or other costs that are incurred either directly or indirectly as a result of these shared content. The shared discussion content reflects the views of the members based on their experiences and are not the views of medi USA nor any of its affiliates.

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